Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Week 3/16-3/20/2020

Bless all of you for working so diligently on all of your studies. We are walking in an unprecedented time in history, and I would urge all of you to use this time to not just work on your studies; but take time to pray, spend time alone with the Lord and draw nearer to Him, so that we can hear from Him and rest in His will through all of this. Many local churches are streaming their services, and if you are in need of encouragement, there are several evangelists and prophets with words from the Lord during this time. Many of you are familiar with Perry Stone as he was at NLCA at beginning of the year. He has uploaded several YouTube streams over the last few days, however the one from 3/17/20, "A Right Now Word from the Lord", mentions a prophecy during this time regarding WV, about 39:40 into the stream. I encourage you to check out the entire thing, but even if you just listen to that part, I pray you will be as encouraged as I was by it. The link will be below. Remember that people and the world can try to limit many things, but we are always free to praise the Lord and worship Him. 


    Thank you to those who have begun to submit work. I am already receiving some great reports. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me about anything, even if it is not school related.
    • Please make sure to continue to check the blog moving forward as I will continue to update the material due depending on how long school remains closed.
    1. The test that was planned for Monday, 3/16/20, will be postponed. Please take this time to continue to review the material listed for the test under last week's blog. If you have questions about subject matter, please reach out to me.
    2. You should be continuing to work on the paper that is due Monday, 3/23/20. You will need to submit the paper to me via email by the deadline in order to receive full credit. The email you should use is: You can view the paper guidelines under last week's blog. 
    3. We are going to head into Chapter 7: Vacaciones
      • In this chapter, we will be revisiting vocabulary for weather as well as learning more vocabulary about vacations. You will need make sure and learn the vocabulary on pages 230-231 & 234-235, which is also at the end of the chapter on page 259. Most of this you have learned before. 
      • In this chapter, we are learning a new tense of verbs-the "Preterite" tense, which is "Past" tense. Until now, we have always used the present tense, or things happening right now (My mom cooks dinner. The girl walks to school.) The preterite tense, or past tense, talks about what has happened in the past (My mom cooked dinner. The girl walked to school.)  
        • Here is a great video that explains "preterite" tense well, however unfortunately it does not limit the info to only -ar verbs, so for now, just listen to the info about -er & -ir verbs, as those will be covered later in Chapter 8. I would have you stop the video at that point, however she goes on to explain "ir" & "ser" which is in this chapter, so please watch the entire video.
        • You can read about -ar verb conjugation endings for past tense verbs on page 238. Notice that the "yo" form is "é". This "e" ending can be confused with the "e" ending for "él, ella, ud." conjugation for present tense -er & -ir verbs, except notice it has a dash over it. That is what sets it apart. Notice it is the same for the "él, ella, ud." ending "ó" which can be confused with the "yo" form of present tense verbs. So, when you are conjugating, it is important that the dash be used for these verbs or it may be confused with a different word, such as with "el" vs. "él" or "si" vs. "sí". There are a few exceptions to the rule, as always, under #3 on page 238, for verbs that end in -car, -gar, & -zar.
        • On page 242, you will see the preterite tense for the verbs "ir" & "ser". Notice they are identical, so how do you know when you are reading or hearing it which is to be used? It depends on context alone, so you will have to translate as you are reading/listening in order to know which verb is being used.
        • Book:
          • DO page 239, Section 3 #1-6: you are given the subject, the verb that you are to conjugate in PAST tense, and the rest of the sentence as the example shows.
          •        page 241, Section 8 #1-12: You have to conjugate the verbs in PAST tense. Pay attention as the subject may change during the sentence. Please translate to make sure it makes sense with the right conjugations.
          •        page 243, Section 12 #1-6: You are conjugating "ir" in PAST tense.
          •        page 255, Sections 4 & 5: practice with preterite, PAST tense.
    • Please make sure to continue to check the blog moving forward as I will continue to update the material due depending on how long school remains closed.
      • For future material, I will let you know if it is to be held until we return or submitted via other means. 

      SPANISH 1:

        • Please make sure to continue to check the blog moving forward as I will continue to update the material due depending on how long school remains closed.
        1. The test that was planned for Monday, 3/16/20, will be postponed. Please take this time to continue to review the material listed for the test under last week's blog. If you have questions about subject matter, please reach out to me.
        2. We are going to continue working in Chapter 5: Deportes. 
          • Book:
            • READ pages 170 & 172 on stem changing verbs for this chapter (empezar, pensar, perder, querer, preferir, poder, volver, devolver, dormir, and jugar). You will need to know their meanings and conjugations. Pay attention to the verbs on page 170 as they follow a pattern that is different from those on page 172. Remember that for the nosotros form, they follow normal conjugation.
            • DO page 171, Section 2 #1-6: you are given the subject on the left and you have to practice conjugating the verbs turning the phrase into a complete sentence.
            •                        Section 5 #1-3: You have to conjugate the verbs for the subjects. Pay attention as the subject may change during the sentence. Please translate to make sure it makes sense with the right conjugations.
            •        page 173, Section 7 #1-6: Make sure to use complete sentences and you are to practice using the verbs in the chapter.
            •        page 174, Section 10: Similar to Section 5 page 171.
            •        page 185, Section 4
            •        Read page 180 & answer questions on page 181.
            •        Read page 182 & answer questions on page 183.
        • Please make sure to continue to check the blog moving forward as I will continue to update the material due depending on how long school remains closed.
          • For future material, I will let you know if it is to be held until we return or submitted via other means. 

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