Monday, October 6, 2014


Memorize vocabulary words for each chapter we have gone through up to this point.

Grades 6-8: These are the bold print words throughout the chapters but mostly on the first 1-2 pages of each chapter.

Grades 9-10: These are the words at the ends of you chapters, paying particular attention to the meanings of the verbs.

We will be going through a handout I have for you beginning Wednesday for further practice on the major concepts we have discussed up to this point.


Below and in the future, I will be posting pictures with vocabulary words on them. You will need to learn the words listed below each picture. You may print the page for your folder, or you may copy them down as a list to put in the folder. Most at this point are review or cognates.
 Words to know:
Hola!                      presenter                        Como te llamas
Adios!                    la amiga                         Me llamo...
Hasta pronto!         el amigo                         Se llama...
el hombre               Que tal?                         el edad
la mujer                  Muy bien, gracias          Cuantos anos tienes?
el bebe                    Si                                  
el nino                    No
la nina                    el nombre
 Words to know:
gritar             tocar            
buscar           abrir
esperar          cerrar
llevar            rasgar
dejar             tirar
  Words to know:
bonito(a)            generoso                moreno
guapo                 tonto                      rubio
fuerte                 timido                   
debil                  amistoso
flaco                  gracioso
delgado             alegre
gordo                triste
Words to know:
igual or mismo                   nuevo
diferente                             viejo
ocupado                              abierto
util                                      cerrado
juntos                                 ultimo
 Words to know:
ver la television                  las tijeras
escuchar la radio                 hacer
escuchar musica                  reparar
el tocadiscos
el disco
la musica
la novela
el periodico
la revista

Words to know:
la fotographia                     el instrumento
tomar una foto                    tocar
la pelicula                           el violin
la foto                                 el piano
el pintor                              la guitarra
el cuadro                             cantar
pintar                                  los juegos
la pintura                            jugar

 Words to know:
Months of the year                     ayer                                                la semana proxima
Days of the week                       ayer por la manana                         el dia siguiente
el calendario                              anoche
el mes                                        hoy
el ano                                         esta manana
el dia                                          esta tarde
la semana                                   manana
el fin de semana                         manana por la manana
la fecha                                      manana por la tarde                                 
el primero                                  pasado manana

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